Life Coach Inspiration

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merseycarecourseMore than 100 Mersey Care staff are now taking a critical look at their work/life balance after attending a creative and wellbeing course run by life coach and former British kick boxing champion Terry McElhinney.

Learning and development administrator May Somers who organised the indigo­based course said: liThe short and long-term benefits for staff are less stress in work and therefore at home which will have a positive effect on sickness and stress related problems. The training also provides the ability to self monitor day­to-day stresses and apply neuro-linguistic programming tools as required.

"Staff were also provided with the skills to make better choices around their own lifestyle, giving them the opportunity to improve their own health and wellbeing."

Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is recognised as an effective means to improve performance in many areas
of life, including business management, sales, education, therapy and personal development, according to Terry who has been studying the subject for more than 35 years.

NLP plays an integral role in his work and provides a framework for changing beliefs, behaviours, thoughts and feelings in helping individuals, companies, sports performers and teams to achieve their desired goals.

Terry said: "We already possess the most powerful tool known to mankind ­the human mind. Unfortunately, it didn't come with a set of instructions and NLP is the instruction manual.

"Using tried and tested techniques, NLP allows you to unlock the 'secret code' to your mind's potential, giving you more control and command over your thought, feelings and therefore your outcomes and enable you to achieve goals you may never have believed were possible.

Terry believes his courses have been so successful because he meets each delegate in a one-to-one scenario which allows him to elicit information on what stresses they experience so he can establish personal needs and tailor the course more specifically. He removes jargon and 'corporate speak' from his courses as this can turn off people's learning. The tools and techniques are very simple yet work immediately and are very powerful.

My aim is to cover most of the elements we face in life that can cause us stress, worry or a feeling of helplessness as change, anxiety and the inability to switch off work affects the mind and body that impacts on our home life, said Terry.

Feedback from the courses has ranged from comments such as 'having the tools available to you is one thing, but being taught how to use them takes things on to another level'; 'I believe the tools learned helped me run the whole 10 mile distance of the BUPA Great South Run without stopping and will benefit me in both my professional and personal life', and 'I'm now doing physical exercise five times a week and have so far lost more than 12 pounds.'


From Mersey care publication:
Mersey Cares, volume 5 - issue 6 January/February 2010


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Guest Saturday, 29 March 2025

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The mental work involved to be stressed or relaxed is the same ...

80% of the problem is ... ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...

Enjoy the JOURNEY - not the DESTINATION ...

Enjoy the JOURNEY - not the DESTINATION" ...

Beliefs are stories that we have told ourselves for years, that feel real, but are not true ...

It's healthier physically and emotionally to focus on what you have, and not on what you have not ...

Solutions and Problems are either end of the same line - focus on the solution and you wont see the problem, and vice versa ...

Your mind can make a Heaven out of Hell and a Hell out of Heaven ...

Because it's normal, doesn't mean it's right ...

STOP Mustabating ...

Enjoying your job means ... never having to do a days work!...

Anything we do in the outside world, must first happen on the inside world of our mind ...

What doesn't kill us makes us stronger ...

ts not selfish to look after yourself - its SURVIVAL ...

Procrastination is the thief of opportunity ...

If one person can do something - so can you! ...

The past does not equal the future ...

If one person can do something - so can you! ...

We can either make the best of our situation - or change it ...

Be kind: everyone is fighting a hard battle...

Watch your character ... they become your destiny (REALITY)...

Watch your habits ... they become character ...

Watch your actions ... they become habits ...

Watch your words ... they become actions ...

Watch your thoughts ... they become words ...

Don't be SCARED ... be EXCITED...

For years you might have lived as your parents you, your friends you, your teachers you and your bosses' you. But where on earth are YOU ...

Remember that with change comes and element of fear: FEAR = False Evidence that Appears Real ...

Because it's normal, doesn't mean it's right ...

You can change the way you feel whenever you want. Here is the downside: there are no more excuses ...

The way you feel can change your physiology and your physiology can change the way you feel ...

There is no failure - only feedback ...

Pain is inevitable - suffering is optional ...

People who hurt us move on, but why do we carry on their job for them?

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent ...

Negative emotions are signals that something needs to be changed ...

It's not whether you get knocked down: it's whether you get up ...

Problems don't get better with time. You cannot change what you do not acknowledge, and what you do not acknowledge is going to get worse until you do ...

No one has control of your mind ...

If you knew this was your last year on earth, would you be kinder, more loving, living life to the full, more caring, less judgmental? If you would, don't wait, change now ...

86,400 seconds in every day, once they have gone, they have gone forever. Don't waste even 1 of them ...

Remembering it's only a habit ...

Nothing in life has any meaning except the meaning you give it. so if you dont like the way you're feeling change the meaning ...

Every feeling and emotion you have is your choice ...

Repeating: 'every day in every way I am getting better and better' will change your life ...

Insanity is attempting to get a new result by doing the same thing over and over again ...

People try to fill emotional gaps with material things or work ...

Your body is your business suit. You must look after yourself. How you feel depends on how you look ...

Pushing through the fear is better than being controlled by it ...

Baby falls: if they gave up on the first few attempts no-one would walk ...

Success is creating pleasure in your life and growing and learning from the bad times. Failure is being able to find pain however good it is ...

The brain is the most powerful computer in the world, but comes without a user manual ...

Simple small changes daily improve the quality of your life amazingly ...

Fatigue makes cowards of us all - strong mind tired body wont work ...

Mental rehearsal helps to desensitise - without the pain and time ...

Mind reading is mental rehearsing ...

Our sub conscious mind can't tell the difference between a constructive or destructive thought - It will not judge ...

Worrying is mental rehearsing ...

Suspicions are anchors ...

Self talk has to turn into its physical equivalent ...

If you keep on doing what you're doing, you keep on getting what you've got ...

Enthusiasm works negatively or positively ...