Berry Van Peers Dartitis- Sky Sports

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What an interesting week,  had a call from a pdc professional darts player John Bowles  who I work with who asked me if I could help another player  Berry Van Peer who had a severe case of Dartitis (inability to let go of the darts?) on Sunday night and lost his match because of it, I said yes I can defiantly help.

I watched the match and could see what he was doing, his issue was greater on the first dart and also when he was under more pressure at the end of the game when he was trying to finish on a double

We spoke on the phone for about 40minutes and Berry explained his problem and how hard it was for him when he had played Gary Anderson the night before.

With not having that much time to work with him I focused at improving different aspect of his mindset such as his self talk, his self belief and how he was visualising the game that obviously he was negative in these aspects after such an emotional experience,.

I asked him to now visualise positively as much as possible before the match with Cameron Menzies later that night and to imagine how he wanted to play not how he didn’t and to envisage the first dart leaving his hand smoothly and without any problems.

I explained how your body is listening to everything you say and how we condition and programme our body via our minds hence the saying most matches are won or lost before the first dart is thrown.

I believe I can really help players beat Dartitis,  one of the problem is they try very hard consciously to beat it but most changes have to be at a subconscious level and all the conscious trying in the world doesn’t work it just creates frustration and a drop in self belief and confidence.

 The player then creates a negative anchor  (triggers) which with elevated stress levels  and emotion the problem becomes quickly ‘normal’.

Over many years I have helped many sports people create the opposite, that is positive anchors to put them in the zone, to relax or to be more confident.

Players accept that external triggers can take them out of the zone, distractions either internally, externally a player winding the up etc so they must be able to switch back into the zone just as quick they just practise it enough or don’t believe they can.

Any learnt conditioned response e.g. not being able to let go of the dart soon become a trigger which  turns into a belief and the more it happens the stronger the belief comes.

Science is providing more and more evidence that your brain is malleable and continually changing in response to your lifestyle, physiology, and environment. This concept is called neuroplasticity, or brain plasticity—meaning, you are literally rewiring your brain with each passing day.

I have helped thousands of people over the years through my courses and 1-2-1s.

I have worked with many sports people professional & amateur. I have assisted fighters from different disciplines to win World, British and European titles.

Apart from working with individuals I have also worked with teams from various different sports.

I also work in the corporate and private sector facilitating Health & Wellbeing courses and Stress management courses.

There are testimonials from people and companies I have worked with on my

Call me for free consultation on -0793-134-0906


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Guest Tuesday, 11 February 2025