Confidence & Self-Esteem - testimonials from our clients ...

Matt Ralph
iMerseyside | Sys Admin
22 May 2015

I have attended this course twice in the last 3 years and the techniques Terry gives you to boost your confidence and self-esteem really do work. I picked up on more the second time round and use a lot of the techniques that I've found useful to me almost every day.
If you were a skeptic, like me, you will be surprised. This really does make a difference to how you perceive yourself.
Highly recommended.

27 October 2014

I just want to say a big thank you to terry.
I came to him with a train load of problems,stress, anger, inability to relax, inability to switch off, emotional baggage, self esteem issues and loads more.
From the first meeting terry listened to my problems didnt judge me in anyway. He made the

suggestions and gave me the tools to change my life around for the better.
Now i am not going to say it was an easy ride he can only tell you how to change. YOU have to be commited to carry it out. The more comittment the better the results believe me.
Through terry's advice and guidance i am finally living the life i should have been living all along. Happy, relaxed, and confident.
I also should mention the help terry gave me with a long standing knee injury which due to my perceptions gave me no end of grief and was harming my confidence We did a little work on this and the improvements were amazing.
Thanks to his work and methods i am finally able to live a happy enjoyable life
Mike- Widnes

Forum post
03 March 2002

Response on forum: You can make a full recovery ive seen it with my own eyes. I know a guy who had a stammer and he completely transformed his life. now he is the most charismatic person ive ever met. he is a motivational speaker, fitness instructor, life coach and therapist. every week he teaches this thing called kickfit (basically some fitness class) infornt of hundreds of woman. he stands on a platform doing all of these moves infront of woman and shouting over a head piece. Ive been on one of his seminars were he does public speaking and he is amazing. Go on youtube and type in "terry mcelhinney" and c1cik on the link titled "kickfit". this is a video of his keep fit class. also go on his website about him and readabout him.

30 November -0001

I've just read your webpage about your stammer course.

It was so inspiring. I wanted to say thank you for uploading it. I've been stammering for about 9 years now, and I'm 22. It has been so frustrating and literally feels like it cripples me.
After reading your page, I feel that I should go and pursue everything it is I want to do almost in spite of the stammer.

Use it for my advantage, like a wake up call to what my potential really is. It's almost made me feel greatful for having a stammer, because without it I may be taking many things for granted.

I also really liked how you mentioned different situations and how you feel e.g. how you felt with your girlfriends mother, but then how you felt infront of her father, and the affect it had on your stammer.

I have noticed this, but never really looked at it in detail or known what approach to use to overcome it. It's key that your body and your mind are working in conjuction with each other, so positive mind and positive body language.

Just this morning, a guest came to my home and I instantly felt like he was going to ask me questions about a certain topic. So there was anxiety. I wanted to speak to him, and inevitably he asked me questions. I tried to avoid the word I was going to stammer on for another, but it became silly, he eventually said just say something! So I said I'm so sorry, I have a stammer. He instantly replied with oh dont worry about it. I then said the word, whilst stammering, but I'm not going to now have a bad day contemplating the fact that I stammered. It happens so much more less than say a few years ago,

I should be thinking about the progress I made and not this tiny glitch. And then I found your web page, and it's really just made me feel so good.

Thank you so much, you've really made a difference. I hope you have a wonderful day:)

30 November -0001

Terry, just a little note to say thanks for your help on Saturday. If it wasn’t for that and your ability to instil mental strength, I feel my recovery period would be much longer. Nice one!!

30 November -0001

To terry, this is just a little card 4 all the help you gave me. I learnt skills that I never thought I had and can now use these in everyday living. Some people who need help don’t always ask, I’m glad I did. It really helped me focus and feel strong within myself. Every day in every way I’m getting better, better, better. Thanks Terry. All the best.

Julie and Steve
30 November -0001

To our dear friend Terry, many thanks for your kind gift of the book. You too are a very special, inspirational person, whose friendship we value greatly. Thanks again Terry.

30 November -0001

To Terry, thank you for all the help before my exams – it really helped! I couldn’t have done so well without you. Thanks so much for always caring so much.

30 November -0001

Terry, thank you for your encouragement and support. All good wishes for your business venture.

30 November -0001

To Terry, the memory of Mark singing in the Vatican will live with me forever.

30 November -0001

It is hard for me to explain, but I wanted to thank you because I am not sure how you have helped me yet! However I do know you have. This has been a life changing course/experience. Thank you.

30 November -0001

Thanks for your help today. Sue. Youth Enterprise 15 minute speech.

Vicky Bilsborough On behalf of Friends of Knowsley Young Carers
30 November -0001

I am writing on behalf of all of the Knowsley Young Carers who attended the party at Huyton Leisure Centre on Saturday 21st July to say, a huge thank you to you all for everything that you did.

The party was a huge success and many of the young carers said it was the best thing they had ever been to.

They thought the inflatable in the pool was fantastic and the entertainer was very funny. Added to this they all left with lots of toys and a £20.00 voucher each.

The young carers will I'm sure remember the party for a long time to come.
Sincere thanks for your kindness and generosity.

Liverpool PCT
30 November -0001

Hello Terry, I am happy to be quoted with the following, "I have first hand experience of the training as provided by Body and Mind Unlimited. The feedback from myself and each of my colleagues who have received this training has been extremely positive. In many cases the results of the training has been life changing for people from a range of designations and backgrounds. I would have no hesitation in recommending the Body and Mind Limited organisation and firmly believe that they have a lot to offer organisations be they big or small". ,

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12 + 8

The mental work involved to be stressed or relaxed is the same ...

80% of the problem is ... ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...

Enjoy the JOURNEY - not the DESTINATION ...

Enjoy the JOURNEY - not the DESTINATION" ...

Beliefs are stories that we have told ourselves for years, that feel real, but are not true ...

It's healthier physically and emotionally to focus on what you have, and not on what you have not ...

Solutions and Problems are either end of the same line - focus on the solution and you wont see the problem, and vice versa ...

Your mind can make a Heaven out of Hell and a Hell out of Heaven ...

Because it's normal, doesn't mean it's right ...

STOP Mustabating ...

Enjoying your job means ... never having to do a days work!...

Anything we do in the outside world, must first happen on the inside world of our mind ...

What doesn't kill us makes us stronger ...

ts not selfish to look after yourself - its SURVIVAL ...

Procrastination is the thief of opportunity ...

If one person can do something - so can you! ...

The past does not equal the future ...

If one person can do something - so can you! ...

We can either make the best of our situation - or change it ...

Be kind: everyone is fighting a hard battle...

Watch your character ... they become your destiny (REALITY)...

Watch your habits ... they become character ...

Watch your actions ... they become habits ...

Watch your words ... they become actions ...

Watch your thoughts ... they become words ...

Don't be SCARED ... be EXCITED...

For years you might have lived as your parents you, your friends you, your teachers you and your bosses' you. But where on earth are YOU ...

Remember that with change comes and element of fear: FEAR = False Evidence that Appears Real ...

Because it's normal, doesn't mean it's right ...

You can change the way you feel whenever you want. Here is the downside: there are no more excuses ...

The way you feel can change your physiology and your physiology can change the way you feel ...

There is no failure - only feedback ...

Pain is inevitable - suffering is optional ...

People who hurt us move on, but why do we carry on their job for them?

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent ...

Negative emotions are signals that something needs to be changed ...

It's not whether you get knocked down: it's whether you get up ...

Problems don't get better with time. You cannot change what you do not acknowledge, and what you do not acknowledge is going to get worse until you do ...

No one has control of your mind ...

If you knew this was your last year on earth, would you be kinder, more loving, living life to the full, more caring, less judgmental? If you would, don't wait, change now ...

86,400 seconds in every day, once they have gone, they have gone forever. Don't waste even 1 of them ...

Remembering it's only a habit ...

Nothing in life has any meaning except the meaning you give it. so if you dont like the way you're feeling change the meaning ...

Every feeling and emotion you have is your choice ...

Repeating: 'every day in every way I am getting better and better' will change your life ...

Insanity is attempting to get a new result by doing the same thing over and over again ...

People try to fill emotional gaps with material things or work ...

Your body is your business suit. You must look after yourself. How you feel depends on how you look ...

Pushing through the fear is better than being controlled by it ...

Baby falls: if they gave up on the first few attempts no-one would walk ...

Success is creating pleasure in your life and growing and learning from the bad times. Failure is being able to find pain however good it is ...

The brain is the most powerful computer in the world, but comes without a user manual ...

Simple small changes daily improve the quality of your life amazingly ...

Fatigue makes cowards of us all - strong mind tired body wont work ...

Mental rehearsal helps to desensitise - without the pain and time ...

Mind reading is mental rehearsing ...

Our sub conscious mind can't tell the difference between a constructive or destructive thought - It will not judge ...

Worrying is mental rehearsing ...

Suspicions are anchors ...

Self talk has to turn into its physical equivalent ...

If you keep on doing what you're doing, you keep on getting what you've got ...

Enthusiasm works negatively or positively ...